Thanks to all who entered the contest! The winner was Christine Hoberg from JWT in NY!
Carmen Lundy & Ticket Winners!
The song "Heroes" by the band High Tolerance has been selected by PGA Tour Entertainment to play during the opening teaser highlight sequence of The Golf Channel’s Inside the PGA Tour every Tuesday night at 7:30pm EST for the next 6 weeks (view full schedule).
With the over 850,000 artists currently a part of ReverbNation, and APM Music’s commitment to high-quality, handpicked tracks, you can now gain access to the best of this vital community through a new collection of indie music in the ReverbNation Music (RNM) library!
The KPM ‘Music for…’ series has been carefully created to highlight the hidden gems in the KPM back catalog. This unique series is an essential selection of the very best tracks from their expansive catalog, compiled into genre-specific albums, to give you direct and immediate access to music that will match your briefs and open your eyes to albums that you may never have discovered before.
Los Angeles (July 11, 2008) – The Production Music Association, which promotes and protects the rights and interests of publishers and composers of music for use in film, television, radio and new media has elected APM Music President Adam Taylor to the post of Vice Chairman and promoted 615 Music President Randy Wachtler to Chairman, effective immediately.
Discovery Communications and APM Music Release Discovery Studios Tracks: For the First Time, World’s Number One Nonfiction Media Company Opens Up Music Library to General Production Community.
The idea of using actual music from movies, TV shows and videogames has always been out of reach for many projects. Now Associated Production Music, better known as APM, is changing all that.
OneLlama is a music discovery and playlist-sharing site with a neat Flash app that lets you explore related artists in a tree diagram.
APM Music's new film trailer music library, called Sonic Elixir, offers two CDs of original compositions from Ella Louise Allaire and Martin Lord Ferguson, who were part of the creative team behind the original score for the Ka show, by Cirque du Soleil.