SCDV Online Only CDs

SCDV Online Only CDs

12 Jan 2010

The future is now with the newest way to deliver the best in Sonoton Music - Virtual, Online only CDs!

With more than 100 productions already online and growing, this series features the finest composers creating projects in a wide variety of musical styles, from large Orchestral to Solo Instruments, Rock to Hip Hop, Jazz to Country, R&B to Club.

Because we are no longer limited by CD manufacturing schedules, we can produce more "discs" than ever before. And since we're not restricted by 70 minutes of music on a CD, you get more music than ever before. It's a win-win situation, and you never have to leave your computer!

Just be sure to check out the latest SCDVs online in your Sonoton Library search, by clicking on the Sonoton Library tab and then SCDV.

Happy Listening!

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